WhatsApp Healthcare Chatbot

Healthcare Chatbot

WhatsApp Healthcare ChatBot

It is the era of automation in our day-to-day life and we are witnessing drastic changes in each industry through the implementation of automated systems in their workflows. This is making a huge difference in the efficiency of work as well as in cost-effectiveness and also in time savings. People can focus more on more productive work rather than concentrating on those works which can be performed easily and efficiently by an automated system.

The Healthcare segment is not an exemption from other industries which faced changes by the implementation of automated systems. ChatBots are one of the main changes that happened in the healthcare industry and it is emerging as a promising platform for delivering quality services to different patient care areas. The application of chatbots in this industry is humongous and can add more in the future. Read further to know about the different applications of ChatBots in the healthcare division.

Evolution of ChatBots

The term ChatBots is in the spotlight today and is more popular very lately as chatbots are evolved recently. But the first ChatBot used in the healthcare industry is now over 50 years old. ELIZA was the first ChatBot used in the healthcare industry and was developed in 1966. Today healthcare ChatBot market size is expected to expand at a CAGR of 21% through 2030.

From ELIZA ChatBots witnessed many evolutions and new developments have seen transforming the abilities of a ChatBot and application in the industry is increasing day by day. According to a market report published by Transparency Market Research the global ChatBot market was valued at US$ 274.5 Mn in 2019 and is projected to reach US$ 2,358.2 Mn by 2027, at a CAGR of 31.3% during the forecast period from 2020 to 2027.

Healthcare Chatbot

Potential uses of Chatbots in the Healthcare Industry

Chatbots can have many applications in the healthcare industry as they opened many possible ways of communication which will be the only communication system that can connect with the customers 24/7. Below mentioned are some of the applications of ChatBots in the industry.

  • Effective booking system

WhatsApp Chatbots can effectively replace a normal booking system in the hospital. It will help patients to find out the availability of their physical practitioner and the date and time within a matter of seconds. They can book a slot with their desired doctor without waiting in a long queue for making an appointment. This is one of the vital and effective uses of a Chatbot Booking system.

This is not only limited to taking doctors’ appointments but also can be used for taking a lab test or revisiting as the applications are many. This service is open 24*7 and the patients can avail of this service at their convenient time. All it takes is a few clicks and patience can have an appointment booked and ready to go.

  • Reduce call center costs

Chatbots are available 24*7 and handle all the queries from the patients at ease.  This will help to reduce the overhead cost of managing patient queries. The entities manage the queries at odd times without hiring extra sources to handle the queries. This will help the organizations to cut down the additional costs that are required to maintain additional staff.

  • Processing Bills and Claims

Collecting details for reimbursements and other insurance claims will become hassle-free with the implementation of chatbots. It is also possible the integration of a billing system into the Chatbot so that patients need not be waiting for hours to complete the billing process.

  • Feedback matters

It is always important to get feedback from your clients to improve the working system and what they say about your entity matters a lot to keep a personal relationship with the patients. A chatbot will make it easy to collect your patient’s opinions and will help to maintain a healthy relationship with the clients.

  • Send Test Results

Send timely test reports and other important documents directly into the patients’ inboxes. Make sure each patient can have safe and secured access to all the medical information.

GreenAds Globals’ Healthcare ChatBot Specifications

  • Elevate and efficiently scale customer communication
  • Communicate using the user’s adapted language
  • Share accurate, verified, and reference information by the health professionals
  • Convey the messages to the patients simply and rapidly, securely and briefly
  • Send more personalized content to each patient
  • Reassure and support your clients in all their situations

Future of ChatBots in Healthcare

ChatBots are getting adapted to the healthcare industry at a slow and steady pace but the adaptability of chatbots in the system is very high. It is indeed that implementation of chatbot can increase the working as well as the cost efficiency. In the future, ChatBots are becoming an inevitable part of each healthcare system.

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